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March 21, 1931 Spokesman-Review Page 8:



Bothell Man to Haul Rock—Reardan Firm Supplies Timber.

DAVENPORT, .Wash., March 20.—The contract for hauling about 19,500 cubic yards of crushed rock and gravel from county crushing plants, to be distributed.on county roads this year, was awarded by the county commissioners today to John N. Main, Bothell, for $6479. There are 13,750 yards of crushed gravel to be hauled north of Reardan and 6000 yards of crushed rock to be hauled south of Almira on county surfacing projects. The engineer's estimate for the work was $6525.

A contract for furnishing bridge lumber to the county this year was awarded to the H. J. Mattes Lumber company of Reardan at $25 a thousand feet, f. o. b. any station in Lincoln county.

Chapter N, P. E. O,, has elected Mrs. James F. Forney, president; Mrs, George Janett, vice president; Mrs. Frank Laughbon, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank Shoemaker, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. F. Poynter, treasurer; Mrs. B. E. Andrews, chaplain, and Miss Mabel Inkster, guard.