Orrie Morse

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Orrie Morse should have graduated from Edwall in 1941.

September 4, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lightning hit the elevator on the F. F. Morse ranch knocking Orrie Morse down. He was standing with Mr. Morse in the driveway. The top of the elevator was splintered.

February 11, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Orrie Morse, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morse, is not returning to WSC in Pullman for the second semester.

September 21, 194 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private Orrie Morse of the United States marine corps, spent a few days last week with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morse, after completing his three months' "boot" training at San Diego, Calif. He left Saturday morning for Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif., for advanced training.

January 18, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marine Private Morse Overseas Joining Famed Battle Group

--By Nattie Van Skiver Pvt. Orrie Morse, U.S.M.C, writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morse, of his safe arrival overseas. Orrie has been assigned to a headquarters company of "Order of the Golden Dragon," themselves famous in a recent battle. On the trip he says he never wishes to make but one more crossing and that to return to the U.S.A. Their camp is on an island and is even nicer than Camp Pendleton, where Orrie was last stationed. Ice cream was served them the first week in camp. He and his two pals since boot camp have been assigned different companies. While they see each other every day, it is not the same as living in one tent. Young Morse is a [1941] graduate of the Edwall high school and was a sophomore at Washington state college, where his fraternity was Tau Kappa Epsilon. In Orrie's estimation there is only one branch of the service; the marine corps. He enlisted last spring and left from Spokane...