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August 17, 1953 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 15:



REARDAN, Wash., Aug. 17.—The wheat farmers of the Reardan area approved the government proposal to invoke marketing quotas on the 1954 wheat crop by their vote Friday.

At Deep Creek there were 194 votes cast, with 180 for and 14 against. Mrs. Henry Weyen, Mrs. Otto Lucht and Mrs. Robert Anderson served on the election board.

John D. Williams and Paul Oehlschlaeger made up the election board at Mondovi, where all 110 votes cast were for the referendum.

The Reardan voters cast 161 votes with 153 for and eight against. The board consisted of Charles Garber, G. A. Magnuson and Otto Wegner

Harvest at Peak

The wheat harvest is in full swing in Reardan with many thousands of bushels rolling into the elevators daily, and Friday the Reardan Wheat Growers, Inc., began dumping wheat on the ground. The yields are varying from 25 to 40 bushels per acre and is an average but not a record crop, An especially good production is reported in the Crescent and Mondovi regions.