July 17, 1926 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 5:
REARDAN, Wash. July 16.—An ignited match, thrown on the ground by a harvest hand, after lightning a cigarette, was responsible for a fire this afternoon in a wheat field of Elmore Tarbert, in the Crescent district, north of Reardan. The flames enveloped three horses that were hitched to the header.
The fire spread like a flash over the field, destroying about 25 acres of standing grain and 46 sacks of seed wheat that was piled up. The grain that was being headed was being threshed and hauled to the elevator at Reardan. It was only by quick work that the thresher was saved. Neighbors from all directions and men from Reardan rushed to the scene and by hard work the fire was brought under control. The grain was said to be insured.