Photograph Collections

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Revision as of 12:22, 13 February 2023 by Kirk (talk | contribs)
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This website features many photograph collections. These collections are cataloged in order to provide attribution of the photography and to link to archival versions of the photographs which may be too large for internet presentation. The archival photographs have the same name except for a possible scale factor and different file type.

Photos are largely cataloged by their name as shown in:


where date can be (using x as any digit 0-9):

  • xxxx year
  • xxxx-xxxx range of years
  • xxxx-xx year and month
  • xxxx-xx-xx year, month and day
  • 0000 unknown year

prefix indicates a particular collection or series:

  • Big Bend Railroad collection of Long Lake Dam construction photographs ['bbrr-' prefixed numbers].
  • Terry Krupke collection of Long Lake Dam construction photographs
  • Otto Mahrt's collection of early Reardan photographs ['otto-']
  • 1918 car, truck and tractor show ['auto-']
  • Dan Plaster's photograph of Reardan and vicinity
    • Loose prints [inconsistent should be 'dan-prints' or 'danp-']
    • large 4"x5" negatives ['dan45-']
    • 35mm negatives ['dan-35mm-' should be shorted to 'dan35-'] the serial number is in three parts: box-roll-item where box is the box number, roll is a roll number within a box and item is an image within the roll (but not necessarily the frame number).
  • Reardan Memorial Library [generally 'rml-']
    • Beautification scrapbooks ['beautification-']
    • Clayton photograph collection ['clayton-']
    • Invitations ['beautification-' but should be something else]
    • Reardan Memorial Library as a subject ['memorial-library-']
    • Mule Day and community celebrations ['mule-day-']
    • Reardan pageants, pricesses, queens and Miss Reardans ['royalty']
  • Lincoln County WA Historic Society ['lchs-']
  • Spokane County Library ['scl']
  • WSU collections ['wsu']
  • Rural Washington Heritage ['rwh']

number is a serial number of the image within the prefixed collection. Derivatives, such as cropping, enhancing or identifying, of an image are indicated with a trailing letter.

description is a string of hyphen separated key words

scale is optional, as in:

  • -1600 scaled to 1600px x 800px largely used to reduce the size of large scanned images (greater than 2 Mbytes)

type indicates the encoding of the image and is one of: (the archive may include special formats like .xcf that contain layer information for labeling, etc.)

  • jpg jpeg photograph format
  • png portable graphic format
  • tif bitmaped graphic format