John Lukaszeski

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May 19, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Class of 1938 commencement

>Processional--Miss Dorothy Williams >"Our Changing Civilization"--Ruth Marion Weipert >Salutatory, "Literature and Music"--Helen Mahrt >Piano solo--Harl Barnard >"Social Science"--Mabel Anderson >Vocal solo--Lorraine Brooks >"Science"--Theodore Koehler >Saxophone Solo--Harriet Mahrt >Valedictory, "Education"--Elizabeth Joslin >Girls' sextet >Presentation of the class--Supt. H. P. Olson >Presentation of diplomas-- Mr. H. Brommer >Benediction--Rev. C. W. Marrs Class Members: Mabel Anderson, George Anyan, Harl Barnard, Mildred Bowen, Lorraine Brooks, Eugene Clouse, Lorraine Emley, Howard Evers, Raymond Foland, Victor Hyslop, Elizabeth Joslin, Theodore Koehler, John Lukaszeski, Harriet Mahrt, Helen Mahrt, Jack Mann, Gil Randall, Caroline Remmers, Raymond Thiemens, Ruth Weipert, Lois Wynecoop

April 10, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

John Lukaszeski of Fort Warden, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schalock. He is with the Anti-Aircraft machine gun battery.

May 6, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private First Class John Lukaszeski of Fort Warden, recently spent a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Frank Bauer in Spokane. His brother, Alfred Lukaszeski, is an army air cadet and is at Santa Ana Calif. Both boys are graduates of the Reardan high school.