Victor Hyslop

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May 19, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Class of 1938 commencement

  • Processional-Miss Dorothy Williams
  • "Our Changing Civilization"--Ruth Marion Weipert
  • Salutatory, "Literature and Music"--Helen Mahrt
  • Piano solo--Harl Barnard
  • Social Science--Mabel Anderson
  • Vocal solo--Lorraine Brooks
  • Science--Theodore Koehler
  • Saxophone Solo--Harriet Mahrt
  • Valedictory, "Education"--Elizabeth Joslin
  • Girls' sextet
  • Presentation of the class--Supt. H. P. Olson
  • Presentation of diplomas-- Mr. H. Brommer
  • Benediction--Rev. C. W. Marrs

Class Members: Mabel Anderson, George Anyan, Harl Barnard, Mildred Bowen, Lorraine Brooks, Eugene Clouse, Lorraine Emley, Howard Evers, Raymond Foland, Victor Hyslop, Elizabeth Joslin, Theodore Koehler, John Lukaszeski, Harriet Mahrt, Helen Mahrt, Jack Mann, Gil Randall, Caroline Remmers, Raymond Thiemens, Ruth Weipert, Lois Wynecoop

April 10, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Vernon Carstens, Marvin Evers, Bill Colville, Bill Anderson, Gordon Thomas, Gus Magnuson and Victor Hyslop came home Friday from WSC for their spring vacation.

January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students returning to the various schools to resume their studies following the holiday vacation are: Billy Colville, Billy Anderson, Marvin Evers, Gordon Thomas, Victor Hyslop, Gus Magnuson, Quintin Landreth, Martha Joslin, Zelda Sprinkle, Mary Hanning, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster and Agnes Weyan to Washington State College; Evelyn Schultz, the University of Idaho at Moscow; Helen Mahrt, Marcine Erdman, Freda Wegner, Irene Wegner and Elaine Rowland, Eastern Washington College of education at Cheney; Lorraine Brooks and Lloyd Carstens Kinman Business University; Nadine Gehrke, Kelsey Baird Secretarial school in Spokane and Harriet Mahrt, Spokane Telegraph school.

June 11, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students home from college are Victor Hyslop, Vernon Carstens, Gus Magnuson, Marvin Evers, Agnes Weyen, Zelda Sprinkle, Quintin Landreth, Bill Anderson, Mary Hanning and Martha Joslin.

December 24, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students home for the holiday vacation from WSC are Mary Hanning, Zelda Sprinkle, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, Victor Hyslop, Vernon Carstens, Bill Anderson, Marvin Evers, Jack Delamater, Gus Magnuson, and Glen Anderson.

June 17, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Victor Hyslop left Monday of last week for Fort Lewis from where he will be transferred to a branch of the army. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hyslop, and was attending WSC, where he was an expert rifle marksman with the ROTC.

June 24, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Victor Hyslop has been transferred from Fort Lewis to Camp Abbot, Ore., where he is with the combat engineers. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hyslop and attended WSC.

September 16, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private Victor Hyslop is spending a nine-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Hyslop. He is stationed at Camp Abbott, Bend, Ore., and is with the combat engineers. Private Hyslop is a graduate of the local high school and attended Washington State college, where he was an expert rifle marksman. He entered the service in June.

January 20, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private Victor Hyslop writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop, that he has arrived safely overseas and for the present is stationed in North Africa. He is with the combat engineers. He was a student at Washington state college, when he entered the service last June. He is a graduate of the local high school.

March 23, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop received word from their son Pvt. Victor R. Hyslop, that he has been stationed in India since the last of February. He formerly had been in north Africa. He stated that he had not have any mail from home since the first week of December until after he arrived in India. He is with the engineers and was attending Washington state college, when he entered the service.

May 18, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop received a telegram from their son, Pvt. Victor Hyslop, saying that he landed in Florida on Saturday. He was formerly stationed in India. He has been returned to the states for further schooling. He is with the engineers and entered the service last June.

June 8, 1944-06-08_006 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pvt. Victor R. Hyslop Jr. has written his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop, that he is now attending the U.S. army engineer's school at Fort Belvoir, Va. He was formerly stationed in India, and was a student at Washington state college, when he entered the army a year ago.

April 19, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private Victor R. Hyslop, who is stationed at A. P. Hill military reservation near Fredericksburg, Va., is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop. He is a graduate of the Reardan high school and was a student at Washington state college, when he entered the service.

December 6, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Victor Hyslop is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop, in Spokane. He is stationed at a camp in Virginia and has been in the service for 2-1/2 years, part of which he served in India. Before entering the service, he was a student at Washington State college.

April 4, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

T/5 Victor R. Hyslop received his discharge from the army last week at Fort Lewis and is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hyslop, in Spokane. He served three years and was recently stationed at A. P. Hill Military Reservation near Fredricksburg, Virginia.