Albert Hansen

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[Son of John Hansen (Reardan merchant) and Anna Mahrt Hansen (daughter of John Mahrt, sister of Charley Mahrt and half sister of Otto Mahrt). He should have graduated from RHS in 1924.]

February 10, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Henry Mahrt and Peter Mahrt entertained the Neighbors of Woodcraft Monday night at the home of the former. The following officers were elected: Past Guardian Neighbor, Albert Hansen; Guardian Neighbor, Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle; advisor, Peter Mahrt; magician, Mrs. J. C. Childs; clerk...

Albert Hansen left Sunday for Pullman where he will take advanced work at the college.

October 20, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert Hansen, who teaches at Johnson, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen for the weekend and spent Monday and Tuesday at the Washington Educational association meeting.

April 25, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Among those attending the show "Gone With the Wind" at the Fox theatre in Spokane Saturday were ...Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Alvina Hansen, Albert Hansen, and Bernard Hansen. [a long list of names]

May 16, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert Hansen, instructor at [CCC] Camp Anderson, Davenport was a business visitor in Spokane Saturday.

May 30, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Charles Mahrt, Bill Koeller and Albert Hansen were Coulee Dam visitors Sunday. They saw the water "go over the top" which was predicted for Sunday afternoon.

July 4, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Many from here attended the House of David [a barnstorming team from a colony of the same name from Benton Harbor, MI] and Kansas City Monarchs [a Negro National League] ball game at Ferris Field Sunday evening. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Alva Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Jackman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hein, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Denson, Mr. and Mrs. John Childs, Delbert Carstens, Charley Mahrt, Albert Hansen, Mrs. Herman Schalock, Bob White, Oscar Schulz, Arthur Schulz, Miss Lavina Anderson, Mrs. Anna Anderson, Dave Anderson, Stanley Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cole, Ralph Schalock, Clarence Frounfelter, Virgil Rux, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Swanson, Harl Barnard, Miss Phyllis Hein, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Carstens. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Woods, B. L. Barnard, Miss Beth Barnard, Mrs. Grace Bilyeu, Mr. and Mrs. George Zwainz, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hein, Albert Hein, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ahlf, and Mr. and Mrs. George Janett.

October 17, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Alvina Hansen and Bernard Hansen attended the farewell dinner Friday evening at Camp Anderson for 109 CCC enrollees, who were sent to other camps. Their brother. Albert Hanson is one of the instructors at the camp.

November 20, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert J. Hansen, teacher at Carnation, is one of the United States delegates attending the YMCA convention being held at Vancouver, B. C. during the Thanksgiving holidays.

January 1, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert Hansen, who is teaching at Carnation, came Wednesday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen. He will return there Saturday.

October 29, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hanson, who was teaching at Carnation high school, was inducted into the army at Fort Lewis, Tuesday. [He was 36.]

November 12, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Times-Tribune is in receipt of a letter from Private Albert J. Hansen, formerly of Reardan and a former educational instructor at Camp Anderson, the CCC camp here [Davenport]. Private Hansen reported at Fort Lewis October 27 for active duty in the army and was sent to Fort Douglas, Utah, near Salt Lake City, arriving there last Thursday morning. He reports his detachment traveled by special train and saw plenty of snow around Pendleton, Ore., and in Idaho, and even in Salt Lake City. Although assigned to Fort Douglas, his work is of a clerical nature in a downtown office in Salt Lake City. His address is Private Albert J. Hansen, Eastern Security District, S. C. U. 1945, New House Building, 10 Exchange Place, He state that he would be pleased to hear from any of his former Davenport or Reardan acquaintances.

Albert Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, who was inducted into the army at Fort Lewis recently has been transferred to Fort Douglas, Utah. He is a graduate of Washington State college an taught at Carnation, Wash., for the last two years.

January 28, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert J. Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, Reardan, has recently been promoted to private first class in the U.S. army. Pfc. Hansen is still stationed at Salt Lake City. A letter from Hansen says they have been having a great deal of wind there, but not much snow. Reports that he likes the country and army life, too.

February 18, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert Hansen writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hansen, the he has been promoted to Corporal. He is doing clerical work and is stationed at Salt Lake City, Utah. Prior to entering the army he was a teacher in the Carnation school.

May 27, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert Hansen, who is in the clerical department of the army at Fort Douglas, Utah, writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, that he has been promoted to sergeant. He is a graduate of the local high school and of WSC, and at the time of his induction was teaching in the high school at Carnation.

[He married Mable Hansen June 27, 1943 in Salt Lake City.]

March 9, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Albert Hansen writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, that he left Monday for Fort Washington, Md., to attend an advanced adjutant general school. He has been stationed at Fort Douglas, Utah, for many months. His wife will remain at Salt Lake City. He is a graduate of the local high school and of Washington State college.

July 20, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Albert J. Hansen, who was promoted to staff sergeant, is now chief clerk in the provost marshal department of headquarters eastern security district at Fort Douglas, Utah. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen and is a graduate of WSC.

August 17, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Among recent promotions announced at Fort Douglas, Utah, was that of Albert J. Hanson, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, reside at Reardan. Hanson was promoted from technician forth grade to staff sergeant. He entered the army October 14, 1942. At present he is assigned to duty here with the eastern security district as provost marshal clerk. Before joining the armed service, he was a high school teacher. He attended Washington state college in Pullman, graduating in 1931. His wife resides at Salt Lake City, near Fort Douglas.

October 5, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Leonard C. King, who is at the replacement center at Kearns, Utah, writes he met Staff Sergeant Albert Hansen in Salt Lake City. Sgt. Hansen is at Fort Douglas, Utah.

May 24, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Albert J. Hansen arrived here Thursday from Ogden, Utah to spend an 18-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen. Sgt. Hansen joined the service two and a half years ago and has been at Fort Douglas since his induction. He is with headquarters eastern military police. He is a graduate of the Reardan high school and Washington state college. He was teaching in the Carnation high school when drafted.

May 31, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Staff Sergeant Albert Hanson and wife, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, returned to Ogden, Utah, Tuesday. Sgt. Hansen is with the Eastern headquarters military police.

July 19, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Staff Sergeant Albert J. Hansen writes his folks that he won four dollars for answering a question correctly on a "Dr. IQ" radio program held at the Fort Douglas theater the evening of July 11th for military personnel only.

August 30, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Fort Douglas, Utah.--Discharged from the army under the adjusted service rating plan at the Fort Douglas separation center was Staff Sergeant Albert J. Hansen of Reardan, whose father, J. A. Hansen, lives at Reardan. Before entering the service in October 1942, he was employed as a teacher at the Tolt Carnation high school of Tolt. His wife, the former Mabel S. Hansen, lives at Salt Lake City, Utah.