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June 19, 1892 Seattle Post Intelligencer Page 5:



Serious Result of a Charge of Stealing Chickens.

P. J. Lillis, proprietor of the Hyde Park house, in South Seattle, was shot and painfully wounded by Walter Fairman, during a drunken row last evening. The fight occurred at the Hyde Park saloon in South Seattle, and the shot took effect in Lillis’ right thigh, passing entirely through the leg.

Several days ago Fairman, who is about 50 years old and a well known South Seattle character, complained that in November last Pat Bradley and J. N. Walker, two residents of South Seattle, placed a hand car on the Northern Pacific Company’s track for the purpose of “getting even” with a section boss who had discharged them from the employ of the company. The story was carried to I. A. Nadeau, who caused the arrest of the two men. On Thursday last the two men were discharged from custody after a hearing before Justice Von Tobel, and since then they have not felt very kindly towards Fairman.

Yesterday Bradley took occasion to confidentially inform P. J. Lillis that Fairman had been systematically stealing his chickens. In a rage Lillis hunted up Fairman, but the latter denied the charge and went out to find Bradley. He found the man at 5:30 o'clock last evening and compelled him to go before Lillis and take back all that he had said concerning him. But Lillis was not satisfied and angrily said to Fairman:

"I believe you stole the chickens just the same. I don’t want you to come around here any more. Get out!"

Lillis walked out from behind the bar and ejected Fairman. When the two men reached the door Lillis gave a shove and Fairman fell off the stoop. Fairman rose up, drew a revolver and shot the saloon-keeper through the right thigh.

Constable Brooks was not far away at the time, and took the assailant into custody. A physician was sent for and Lillis’ wound pronounced not necessarily serious. Fairman is in the county jail awaiting a hearing upon a charge of assault with a deadly weapon.