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July 19, 1894 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 4:



Why Stevens County Merchants Oppose the Lapray Bridge.

County Commissioner Jones returned from an inspection of the Lapray bridge and is of the opinion that what remains of the old structure is too weak and rotten to be repaired. He was to have had a conference with Commissioner McEners of Stevens county but that gentleman was not present.

The Lapray bridge is owned jointly by Spokane and Stevens counties and there is quite a diversity of opinion among the residents of the latter county as to whether the bridge should be rebuilt. It is the only means of communication by wagon with Spokane for the settlers in that vicinity who desire to do business with Spokane merchants, The trade with the city amounts to many, thousand dollars annually, a large portion of which would be transacted with Stevens county merchants were there no bridge and consequently those dealers are opposed to the rebuilding.

One of the merchants in a conversation with Commissioner Jones, said:

“If I have any pull with the commissioners of our county the bridge will not be rebuilt, While it stood our people would come down to Spokane and leave cash for their purchases and would then come to us and buy on time. We want a little of that money to be left at home.”