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November 27, 1896 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 3:



Reardan’s Tragedy Will be Rehearsed at Sprague This Week.

M. Moriarty of Reardan passed through Spokane yesterday on his way to Sprague, where he is summoned as a witness in the trial of Walter Friedman charged with the murder of J. H. Buckman. The case came up this morning before Judge Mount of the Lincoln county court at Sprague.

The tragedy in which Walter Friedman played a leading part, occurred Thursday morning, Sept. 10, 1896, at Reardan. The defendant was employed by Buckman to remove the grain they were harvesting and they became involved in a dispute over the correct method of measuring. Buckman finally called Freidman a liar and swindler and was knocked down and kicked by the latter. After being released Buckman secured a large knife and made a rush at Friedman who grabbed a pitch fork and struck his assailant a violent blow on the head inflicting injuries from which he died in a few hours.

Friedman will claim the deed was done in self defense and it is generally believed be will get clear.