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April 03, 1897 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 1 Column 2:



Two Active Candidates Who Wish to succeed Mr, Moriarity. --- Reardan, April 2,—[Special Correspondence]—The local politicians are all figuring on who is to get the postmastership of this place, Last December the present postmaster, M, Moriarty, who has just been appointed chief deputy grain inspector at Spokane, sent in his resignation to President Cleveland, but it has not yet been accepted, Mr. Moriarty will leave here some time before the first of May to take up his residence in Spokane and his successor will have to be appointed before he leaves or Reardan will be without a postoffice.

J. S. Capps, an old dyed in the wool Republican, is an active candidate for the office and has a large backing. He is an old resident here and has been prominently identified with the Republican party organization in Lincoln county for many years.

Another candidate is J. M. Warren, a veteran of the civil war and a member of the Grand Army. He has secured an influential backing and seems confident of securing the appointment.

1t is not believed that any one else is actively seeking the office, although there may be a dark horse or two in the field. The office is fourth class and only pays about $300 per year.