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September 18, 1897 Tacoma Daily Ledger Page 6:


Eastern Washington Wheat.

SPOKANE, Sept. 17.--(Special) Wheat conditions are unchanged in the inland empire as to price and the certainty an enormous yield. Prevailing quotations in Palouse and Potlatch are 70 and 71 cents for club. With the trifling exception, perhaps of one percent, all wheat grades No. 1 everywhere. As good weather continues the absolute certainty that the crop is uninjured by recent rains is apparent. The difficulty now confronting the wheat rower is how to get his crop in. Threshers and threshing crews cannot finish harvesting in many sections until December 1. Examples of the great yield are given in the results near Reardan, on the Central Washington. Farmer Schultz [William Schulz], with 115 acres, has 5780 bushels harvested in his possession. The average yield between Davenport and Reardan is forty-five bushels to the acre, all No. 1 wheat.

Ritzville quotes bluestem at 76¢, club 73¢; Reardan, club 70¢, bluestem 72¢; Davenport, club, 71 1/2¢, bluestem, 73 1/2¢; Creston, club 69¢, bluestem 71¢; Wilbur, same quotations; Almira, club 70¢, bluestem 73¢; Hartline, club 69¢, bluestem 72¢; Coulee City, club 69¢, bluestem 72¢.