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October 10, 1897 Spokesman-Review Page 12:


Cheney Society.

Cheney, Oct. 9—A pleasant affair was the occasion of the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Plaster, Tuesday afternoon at their residence, a few miles from town, Notwithstanding the busy times in harvest and threshing, nearly every family in the neighborhood, and many from Cheney, found time to assist the venerable couple in their joyous celebration.

The “golden ceremony” on this occasion was performed by Rev. R. H. Manier, who, in imitation of the event half a century ago, caused the groom to “pop the question” and ‘seal’ the contract as he did at that time. At the close of the ceremony the guests crowded about to extend their congratulations and well wishes. An elaborate dinner was served, The post-prandial part was enlivened by speeches and experiences, principal of which were those of Mr. and Mrs. Plaster, who told of the many important events of their long wedded life. The aged couple were given many presents by their affectionate friends, including $40 in gold.

Mr. and Mrs, Plaster came to Cheney 11 years ago and have resided here continuously since. Of their children, Mrs, Lizzie Steele lives in Kansas; Mrs. Mattie Albright In Conconully, Wash.; Charles Piaster at Canyon City, Colo.; Mrs. Katie Edwards and A. C. Plaster at Cheney. They also have 21 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren,

Among the guests present, besides the immediate members of the family, were Rev. and Mrs. Manier, Rev. and Mrs. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Plaster, Dr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. John Betz, Mrs, Fred Switzer, Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mrs. N. M. Peterson, Mrs. D. Edwards, Miss Katie Butler, Miss Fannie Robinson, Frank Butler.