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September 13, 1898 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 7:




Just a Straw That Shows Why the People Are Coming West.

S. B. Robison of Lexington Junction, Mo., arrived in this city last night on his way to Reardan, Lincoln county, where he expects to engage in farming. He will make his home temporarily with his sister, widow of the late Charles B. Rice, who is operating a 400-acre farm three miles west of Reardan.

“I am pretty tired,” said Mr. Robison, as he deposited a basket and pack strap bundle in the office of the Pacific hotel. And he looked it, After removing a light top coat he took a seat and taking off his hat began twirling it on his finger and seemed to be wondering if any of the various particles that accompany a flying train had missed landing a good sized sample on it,

“You must have traveled quite a distance,” was suggested.

“Well, yes; about 1700 miles. I am from Missouri. I haven't got to the end of my journey yet, but I couldn't go any farther tonight.”

“You are a farmer?’

“Yes, sir; and a carpenter, I worked at the carpenter trade about 15 years.”

“How did you come to select Washington as a home?”

“Well, you see, there are a great number of our neighbors down about Lexington Junction who have friends or relatives in this country, Some of them own their own property and others are working rented land. All of them write home Such splendid accounts of the fine farming country in Washington and the good climate that quite an interest has been excited. I am going to bring my family out in a short time, and I don't think it will be long before I will feel just as much at home as if I was back in old Missouri, for I expect that lots of my neighbors will be out here before long.”