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March 01, 1906 Tacoma Daily Ledger Page 12:



Much Anxiety as to Absence of Joseph Boehme.

REARDAN, Feb. 28.—Joseph Boehme, a young German farmer and stonemason, disappeared about ten days ago, and up to the present time, his wife does not know whether he has deserted her and their young baby or is the victim of an accident or foul play. Boehme, with his wife’s brother, one William Fritzle, bought the personal property and rented the farm of Fred Landt last September, but owing to trouble between the men they dissolved partnership and settled up their affairs the day before Boehme disappeared.

There are a number of other relatives besides the wife and child residing in Reardan, and any information as to the man’s whereabouts will be thankfully received by them. Boehme is about 26 years old, dark complexion, smooth shaven, weighs about 165 pounds, and was roughly dressed when last seen. He speaks with a German accent.