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August 01, 1907 Wood County Reporter Grand Rapids Wi Page 4:



The many Grand Rapids friends of Elmer Ticknor, will be pleased to hear that he is well and prospering in his Washington home. From the Springdale Reformer we learn that he is in the farm machinery business as well as saw mill business. We append the following notice taken from that paper:

The new band mill of Starbird & Ticknor, located on the Chamokane, three miles south of Springdale, was started up on Tuesday of this week for the first time and a small quantity of lumber cut out. Everything worked as smoothly as could be expected for the first run, although there is yet considerable machinery to be placed in position before everything will be in readiness for actual cutting operations. Excellent progress is now being made, however, after many delays, and it is hoped to have the mill running on full time in a short while.