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November 08, 1908 Spokesman-Review Page 6:



Gathers Materials for Work on Roads and on $1,000,000 Dam.

REARDAN, Wash, Nov. 26.—The Washington Water Power company, which is building a dam at Little Falls, 15 miles north of Reardan, has secured a large tract of land in Reardan, in the east end of town, and has erected buildings for storing hay and grain, for a stable and for a bunk house, The stable is 180 feet long by 16 feet wide. while the building for hay is 30x60, The bunk house is 16x40 and large enough to accommodate 30 men, The company is hauling lumber for two large warehouses to be erected on the same place of ground for storing cement and other materials, A sidetrack has been built from the main line to the new buildings. The company is expecting a rock crusher and an engine, and when they arrive will start work on the Spring creek road, between this place and Little Falls.

A transformer weighing seven tons was taken from here to the dam site Saturday.