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October 07, 1909 Newport Miner Page 7:


Commissioners’ Proceedings

(Continued From Last Week.) September 11, 1909.—The boards of county commissioners of Stevens and Lincoln counties in joint session at a point on the Spokane known as Detillion, to inspect and investigate the condition of the Detillion bridge.

The following is a copy of the minutes of the meeting with the Lincoln county commissioners and Manning, engineer, Stevens county, and Shepherd, Engelson, Mayer, commissioners and Reed, engineer, Lincoln county.

After “thorough investigation by the joint boards and engineers they adjourned to the court house at Davenport, Washington, for joint consultation.

On motion On Sutherland, Mr. Shepherd was elected to preside at the joint meeting.

Moved and carried, that upon the showing of the joint investigation by the boards and engineers that the depth of the water at the present Detillion bridge site makes the repair of said Detillion bridge impracticable, that the existing contract, under date of May 12, 1909 between the joint boards and C. G. Sheely Contracting Co., the consent of both parties being given, be rescinded.

Moved and carried, that upon the showing the joint investigation that said Detillion bridge is unsafe and that to repair the said bridges impractical, that the same be condemned.

Moved and carried upon the showing of the above investigation, to declare an emergency and to let a contract for the construction of a steel bridge upon the former Detillion bridge site to the C. G. Sheely Contracting Co., per contract, as now on file in the auditor’s office.

Moved and carried, to accept proposition of the G. C. Sheely Contracting Co. to purchase cement and lumber ordered by joint boards for repair of Detillion bridge.

The foregoing is a Copy of the minutes of the joint meeting as they will appear upon the commissioners’ journal of Lincoln county.

—J. W. Brislawn, Clerk of board.