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July 20, 1910 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 21:



Spokane & Eastern Trust Company Purchases Valuable Rights of Luellwitz.

What looks like a plan for another large irrigation project in the big bend of the Spokane river, 18 or 20 miles northwest of the city, has been brought to view through a purchase by the Spokane & Eastern Trust company of the Chamokane Lumber company water rights extending over an area of several miles along the river at the sharp bend.

The trust company's purchases include the rights of the Chamokane Lumber company, which alone are declared to have cost over $20,000. The rights of Mr. Luellwitz, head of a local lumber company, were even more extensive than those held by the Chamokane interests, but the consideration paid for these has not been made public.

The deal entered into with Mr. Luellwitz calls for the water rights located near sections 20 and 21, township 27, range 40; also one at the southwest corner of lot 7 of section 5, township 27, range 41; southeast corner of lot 8 of section 5, township, 27, range 41; right to use water on lots 7 and 9 and southeast of southwest section 12, township 27, range 40. From the Chamokane Lumber company part of section 11, township 27, range 40, and section 15, township 27, range 40; part of section 1, township 27, range 40, and part of section 31, township 28, range 41 were secured,

In general the land on which the water rights have been purchased follows the general course of the projected Kettle Valley railway and it ts believed to be the intention of the purchasers, for whom the Spokane & Eastern is acting as agent in the transaction, to open a big irrigation project in that section of the country.