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May 18, 1911 Newport Miner Page 17:


Arthur B Lee, attorney for the Washington Water Power Co, appeared before the board and presented the petition of the said Washington Water Power Co for permission to change certain county highways upon the Spokane river in Stevens county, where present highways will be submerged by the construction of a dam in the channel of the Spokane river in Sec. 14, Twp. 27 N, Range 39E. W. M.

Said petition was received and ordered placed on file

Commissioner Sutherland thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, which motion was duly passed, each commissioner voting aye:

"Resolved, That the petition of the Washington Water Power Co, this day presented and filed, asking tor permission to change certain county highways along the Spokane river where the present county highways will be submerged by the construction and maintenance of a dam in the channel of the Spokane river now being constructed by said petitioner, in Sec. 13. Twp. 27 N, Range 39 E. W. M. and including the construction of a bridge in Sec 14, Twp 27 N. Range 39 E. W. M., to replace the LaPray bridge across said Spokane river, now located in sec 20, Twp 27 N, R40 E. W. M., be and the same is hereby granted. "Be it further resolved, That said petition is granted with the understanding that like action shall be taken by the counties of Spokane and Lincoln in so far as county highways in said other counties are affected in like manner.

"Provided, however, that said petitioner furnish the statutory bond in the sum of $300, and

"Provided further, That the said new bridge and highways be completed and accepted before said old bridge and highways are overflowed and vacated."

A portion of the afternoon was spent visiting the poor farm.

Board adjourned to May 9.