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July 29, 1911 Spokesman-Review Page 9:



Reuben Bowers Has Flown in One of Own Manufacture.

HARRINGTON, Wash,, July 28,—Reuben Bowers of Godfrey, Stevens county, has been here at the bedside of his father, Adam Bowers, who had his leg amputated, since Tuesday. The young man built an airship at his home at Godfrey, and besides making many successful trial flights at home has exhibited before big crowds on different occasions.

Mr. Bowers recently began the construction of a new biplane of the Curtis type, in which he will install a more powerful and up-to-date motor, and has all the parts on the ground ready to be assembled. He has interested Spokane people in his machine and has had an offer of $200 per week to engage with R. O. Rubel & Co, of Louisville, Ky., flying in his machine for them. As soon as his new biplane ts ready he will leave for Kentucky.