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June 04, 1913 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 6:


Martin Snyder, Former Engineer of Great Northern Road, Starts Suit.

In jumping from a switch engine, of which he was engineer, to save himself from being piled up in a wreck at an open switch, Martin E. Snyder failed to escape injury, and he filed suit in the superior court this afternoon asking the Great Northern railroad, by which he was employed, to pay $30,000 damages.

The accident occurred in April, 1911, according to the complaint, while Snyder was running a switch engine operating between Spokane and Hillyard, The switch at the siding of the Dean Lumber company had been carelessly left open by the defendant company or its agents, and unable to stop his engine, as it approached the open Switch, Snyder jumped. His eyesight memory have been greatly impaired, he alleges, owing to the injuries he received, and his mental, nervous, and in fact his entire physical condition are seriously affected. He has Spent much money in hospitals and for debtors, but is still unable to work, he claims.