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June 13, 1913 Spokesman-Review Page 3 Column 5:



Thousands Flock to Town to See Stock Judging and Other Attractive Features.

REARDAN, Wash,, June 11.-—Today was Mule day at Reardan and the mules were conspicuously noticeable by their absence. People who arrived about noon failed to see a mule anywhere about town, but were informed that a few had been on exhibition earlier in the morning. The absence of the mules did not stop the people of the Big Bend country from turning out in great numbers for the big day which is becoming the annual picnic of the section. Reardan was packed to overflowing all day and until late tonight, two big dances keeping the crowds interested until midnight.

The streets were in gala attire and the “hot dog’ men, the fakers with souvenirs, wooden dolls, weight testing devices and canes were on every corner. Even the “movies” man was in town for the day.

The ball game, the feature of the afternoon, ended disastrously for Reardan, even with re-enforcements from Spokane, and their traditional rivals, Long Lake, walked off with the game to the tune of 8 to 1 The batteries were Aldrich and Rader, Long Lake, and Clink, Howard and Davidson for Reardan.

Hoy Wins Bucking Contest.

The bucking contest was the spectacular feature and was finally won by 1?-year-old David Myers, son of Senator Charles Myers of Davenport, against veteran riders. Myers rode against Amos Lott, a full-blood Spokane Indian; Clay Lavender, a local buckaroo, and Joseph Wynecoop, star of many contests, Lavender was thrown, but not hurt. Lott's horse got away and charged the crowd, knocking over several men, without doing serious damage.

Horse races and foot races were run off on one of the main streets roped off for the purpose, with grandstands erected for the day along each side of the street. The quarter-mile running race wan the feature and was won by Reuben, with Beaver Tom second, Both horses are owned by W. A. Ragsdale of Wibur,

Winners tn Stock Contest.

Professor LeStrange made a twilight balloon ascension and parachute leap, soaring to a height of several thousand feet before making the leap. Winners in the mule, horse and stock show in the morning were as follows:

Best six-mule team, Mann Brothers of Reardan.

Best span of mules driven to pole, Roy Maddock of Reardan.

Best 2-year-old mule, Clee Hanes of Reardan.

Best yearling mule, Wagner Brothers, Reardan.

Best sucking mule, Wagner Brothers.

Best six-horse team, John Brommer, Reardan.

Best span work horses, E. Prest, Mondovi.

Best single driver, Mr. D. M. McCrae, Reardan.

Best saddle horse, E. Dueber, Reardan

Best bucking horse, Frank Schamer.

Best Holstein milch cow, R. L. Nelson, Espanola.

Best Holstein bull, R. L. Nelson.

Best Jersey milch cow, Fred McDewell, Deep Creek.