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July 29, 1913 Spokesman-Review Page 11 Column 5:




Flames Originate in Paint Shop and Spread Quickly to Other Buildings.


Sleeping Tramp Is Supposed to Have Set Fire to the Structure in Early Morning.

REARDAN, Wash. July 28.--Fire was discovered in a paint shop at the rear of a lot owned by John Meyer shortly after 3 o'clock this morning and the alarm promptly sounded. So rapidly did the fire gain headway that nothing could be saved from the building and attention was then directed to an attempt to hold the fire in check and save other buildings. The flames quickly spread to barns belonging to John Davidson on the south, then across the alley to F. M. Moore's barn, and only by heroic effort were the residences of John Meyer, that occupied by C. H. Cline and Mr. Moore's home saved from the fury of the flames.

The loss is estimated at from $1600 to §2000, with not a cent of insurance. The Meyer building contained besides painting tools a brand new motorcycle, nearly all the family's winter clothing, bedding and furniture. The Davidson barn contained several tons of new hay. The Moore barn contained 10 tons of new hay, 26 bushels of oats, two sets of harness and a single harness and a wagon.

It is supposed that a tramp sleeping in the paint shop accidentally set fire to the building. He had been seen loitering about town a couple of days and Sunday evening had been seen walking past the property as if to spy out a place in which to sleep.