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February 07, 1914 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 12:



High School Lads Play Great Uphill Game in Out of Town Contest.

The Levis and Clark high school basketball team defeated the Reardan high school five by a score of 28-29 in a game played at the Reardan high school Friday night.

The Spokane players came through with a whirlwind finish to beat the Reardan lads. At the close of the first period the score stood 17-9 in favor of the Reardan team, but in the second session Reardan was held to one field goal, while the Spokane boys piled up 19 points.

The team left Spokane Friday afternoon in an automobile stage with 25 in the party and came back to Spokane after being feasted by the Reardan team after the contest. The lineup:

Reardan ................. Lewis and Clark
Taylor ...... forward ......... Lafayette
Sexton ...... forward .... Woodward-Bakke
Keller ...... center ............ Rudberg
................................ Woodward
Jackson ....... guard ............. Orion
Bernard ........guard ........... Ferrell

Referee, Little.