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December 25, 1915 Spokesman-Review Page 8:



Reardan Pupils Present Comedy "The Simple Truth."

REARDAN, Wash, Dec, 24,—The stockholders of the West Crescent Cheese company elected officers as follows:

Arthur Cone, president,

T. J. Landreth, secretary-treasurer.

E. M. Hazen, Abner Johnson, William Landreth, Arthur Cone end William Carstens, directors.

The company built a cheese factory at a cost of $1500 in the Crescent neighborhood, eight miles north of town, last summer, but has been buying and selling milk only on account of the difficulty in securing a competent cheese maker. The company plans to turn out a high grade of cheese and the secretary was asked to get in communication with expert cheese makers in the east.

The choir of the First Presbyterian church, under the direction of Mrs. E. F. Spicer, presented a Christmas pageant tonight. The church observed a “white Christmas.’

A east of 14 characters selected from the high school presented the comedy, “The Simple Truth,” before a capacity house last night. Halsey Davidson, Thomas Landreth, Nelson Raymer, Helen Noble and Celia Nunn played the leading roles.