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May 17, 1916 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 14:



Third Part of Plant and Dam Being Installed—Track Is Torn Out.

At a cost of several hundred thousand dollars the Washington Water Power company is installing its third unit at Long Lake power plant and dam. Work on this unit, begun last summer, which was largely preparatory for the installation of the machinery, was completed a short time ago.

The company now is installing the massive machinery for the third unit. It is expected the work will be finished by autumn.

As the company has torn up six miles of the track of its Long Lake between Long Lake and Ford, the machinery for the third unit is being lifted by derrick from the flat cars to truck and hauled to the dam.

When asked if the company proposes to tear up its line from Springdale to Long Lake, D. L. Huntington, president of the Washington Water Rower company, said:

“The 21 miles of railroad from Springdale to Long Lake was built a temporary road for construction purposes at the long Lake dam. The road never was intended for permanent use. Some of the right of way, we bought, some we leased and some we secured by easement. After we finished the work at Long Lake we started to tear up the road and had actually torn up six miles from Ford to Long Lake.

The Deer Park Lumber company wanted the road for logging purposes. So we leased it. As the rails belonged to the Great Northern the Deer Park Lumber company made arrangements with the Great Northern to use them.”