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June 07, 1919 Spokesman-Review Page 7:



Engineer Oudin Will Make Survey for Water System.

REARDAN, Wash., June 6.—As the first step toward the installation of a municipal water system the council ordered a survey, employing Engineer Oudin, formerly with the Washington Water Power company, to make a report. It is proposed to bore a well and build a reservoir on the butte south of town at an elevation of 161 feet. A line to the railroad station would be 1 5/8 miles, insuring a water pressure at that point of 70 pounds and nowhere in town less than 50 pounds, according to a preliminary survey by County Engineer J. L. Thayer.

It is believed that if a further survey shows the project feasible sentiment will justify the council in ordering the construction of the system, as the town has almost no fire protection.

A contract was let to A. E. Velguth of Spokane to oil the principal streets and keep them in condition until next October for $600.