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November 13, 1919 Reardan Gazette Page 0:

Mrs. Michaelbach Dead

Word was received here Wednesday of the death Tuesday evening of Mrs. J. F. Michelbach of Great Falls, Montana, at her home there. Date of the funeral, which will probably be held in Reardan, could not definitely be determined as the paper went to press but it is believed it will be held from the Lutheran church here Friday afternoon.

Mrs Michelbach was a former resident of this place and will be remembered—and her passing mourned—by many.

Virginia Walker Married Saturday.

Daughter of Former Owner of the Reardan Gazette at Moscow, Idaho, Feb 14.

Saturday evening, Feb. 14, at 8 o'clock at the Nazerene church was solemnized a pretty wedding when Virginia Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Walker, became the bride of Clifford Smith, son of Mrs. Augusta E. Smith.

The Rev, J. N. Tinsley read the ceremony. To the strains of a wedding march played by Mrs. Laird Eahom, the bride entered on the arm of her father, who gave her away at the altar. The couple met under an arch. Above their heads were three pink and white wedding bells. The arch was decorated in green foliage and the church was lighted by candles, At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Rev. Clifford M. Drury, Presbyterian church, offered prayer. Mrs. J. N. Tinsley, accompanied by Mrs. Eahom, sang "O Promise Me" and "I Love You Truly.” Miss Demetrius Tinsley was the bride's maid and Wilford Smith, a brother of the bridegroom, was the best man.

Robert Walker, Kirk Walker, Constance Smith, and Pauline DeLapp were the ushers.

The bride was gowned in white satin, wit full veil, a bandeau of orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white carnations and chrysanthemums. The bride's maid wore a pink satin gown and carried a bouquet off pink and white roses. Mebelle Walker of Lewiston, a niece of the bride, was flower girl.

Following the ceremonies a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents.

Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Foster Walker and three children of Lewiston; Edwin and Gerhard Carlson and Clara Carlson of LaCrosse and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smith, daughter Helen and son E. B. of Penewawa.

The newlyweds will be at the home to the friends at 222 South Almon Street.--Idaho Post

Mr. Walker, father of the bride, was former editor and publisher of the Reardan Gazette, the family removing to Moscow thirteen years ago.


Elva Flood is Bride of J. E. Zwainz

At a quiet wedding last Sunday at two o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lake Flood, Miss Elva became the bride of Mr. J. Zwainz.

Mr. Anton Zwainz, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Miss Helen, sister of the groom, her bridesmaid, Miss Mary Zwainz