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June 17, 1922 Spokesman-Review Page 9:



Seventeen Postmasters and Rural Carriers Organize at Harrington Meeting


Will Handle All Complaints and Suggestions Affecting District Mall Service.

HARRINGTON, Wash., June 16.-Seventeen postmasters and rural delivery carriers met here today upon call of Postmaster A. J. Grant of Harrington and formed a Lincoln county welfare council, a branch of the federal council. Mr, Grant was elected chairman, E. E. Yarwood of Mohler vice chairman and Earl D. Allen, secretary. Two other members of the executive council include J. C. Altizer and W. H. Schleef. A committee on bylaws was appointed, including Messers. Padley of Reardan, Hall of Edwall, Lodgson of Sprague and Green of Edwall. They will report September 4 at the next meeting to be held at Davenport.

The council is part of the postal machinery. It is designed to handle all local complaints or suggestions and make recommendations for the district which the council covers.

Those attending wore a Schoonover, Odessa; R. W. Hicks, Odessa; W. H. Schleef, Lamona; Martin Depner, Rocklyn; Earl D Allen, Harrington; A. E. Green, Edwall; Frank Hall, Edwall; E. E. Yarwood, Mohler; W. H. Padley, Reardan; H. C. Sprinkle, Reardan; Raymond Boothe, Arthur B. Dietrich, Davenport; H. M. Folig, Wilbur; W. P. Conner, Almira; Orin Lodgson, Sprague; Charles Pengelly, Almira, and A. J. Grant, Harrington.