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April 03, 1923 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 1:



Haney Myers, Reardan Tailor, Suicides Following Arrest in Cleanup.

Haney Myers, proprietor of a tailor shop and cleaning establishment in Reardan, committed suicide some time Sunday while under arrest for being intoxicated and having possession of “high-powered” moonshine, while federal and local officers were searching in the vicinity of Little Falls on the Spokane river for the still from which Myers secured his ‘supply of moonshine.

A coroner's jury at 2 o’clock this afternoon found that he met death by cutting his throat with a small knife. The knife was identified as his own.

Myers was arrested yesterday morning in a highly intoxicated condition by Sheriff Gilpatrick and Deputy Sheriff Colville. He Was locked up while the Reardan officers and H. S. McClure, federal prohibition agent at Spokane, searched for the still and moonshine cache from which Myers is believed to have obtained his liquor.

The sheriff had search warrants and information of sale of liquor against several persons and called on Mr. McClure to aid him. The party went north through the Creston country and near the Spokane river west of Little falls searched several hundred acres of heavily timbered rocky land, locating a large still and some liquor.

They arrested a farmer and his son, W. C. Oglesby, and Earle Oglesby, and Abner Johnson, the latter being charged with possession and sale.

At 9 p. m. the party returned to Reardan and found Myers dead. Sheriff Gilpatric immediately called Coroner Phillips of Almira and Prosecutor Fox of Davenport and a coroner’s jury was impaneled, reaching a verdict at 2 o'clock this morning.

Myers has a mother, brother and brother-in-law living in Reardan. He is reported to have been addicted to the use of liquor, periodically drinking to excess.