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September 15, 1923 Spokesman-Review Page 7:



Mrs. Josephine Ditmar and Son Arrested by Reardan City Marshal.

DAVENPORT, Wash, Sept. 14.—Mrs. Josephine Ditmar, “wheat queen of the Big Bend,” and her son, Frank Ditmar, were arrested on charges of Violating the liquor laws when Deputy Sheriff C. V. Fisher and W. J. Colville, Reardan city marshal, raided the Ditmar farm, southwest of Reardan about 10 p. m. last night and found one of the largest stills ever seized in Lincoln county.

The still was in the loft of a chicken house. Five barrels of mash were found in the loft and considerable quantity of manufactured moonshine liquor in places about the ranch. A gallon of moonshine war found in the house and Mrs. Ditmar is alleged to have smashed the jug Se containing it with a poker letting the liquor run out. Mrs. Ditmar and her son were brought to the county jail here.