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March 06, 1925 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 8:



Dr. Green’s Death Is Blamed on Driver of Death Car.

Manslaughter charges were filed today against John Pavelich, age 29, driver of the car which crashed into the automobile driven by Dr. George H. Green yesterday, injuring the doctor so seriously that he died later at the Sacred Heart hospital.

The charges were filed in Judge Fred Morrill’s court by Deputy Prosecutor M. E. Jesseph. Pavelich is charged with careless driving.

Following the accident yesterday morning at Fourth and Division Prosecutor Charles Leavy and Deputy Prosecutor Frank Funkhouser held an investigation with Detectives Mason and Markwood. After three hours of questioning witnesses and examining the place Of the accident the four concluded that Pavelich had been driving at a high rate of speed.

Going Fast.

Witnesses testified that Pavelich v east on Fourth and going about 50 miles an hour stated Prosecutor Funkhouser. They state that Dr. Green was going south on Division and not exceeding the speed limit.

“From the appearance of the two cars it seems that the doctor's car struck the Lincoln car driven by Pavelich. There are no marks on the Lincoln except on the left side where the doctor's car went through its front door. The Franklin car was badly damaged."

Pavelich who is the proprietor of the Utah bar, W203 1/2 Trent denies that he was driving fast and claims that the doctor ran into him.

Pavelich was released today under $5000 bond.