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June 10, 1925 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 6:



State Closes Manslaughter Case—Defense Starts Putting In Evidence.

His car traveling at a rate of speed in excess of 59 miles an hour, John Pavelich approached the intersection of Fourth and Division, crashing into Dr. George Greene's car, according to the testimony of E. E. Thompson and Charles Dea, in Superior Judge Webster's court today. Pavelich is on trial charged with manslaughter in connection with Dr. Greene's death, on March 5.

Mr. Thompson and Mr. Dea are carpenters, who were employed at the St. Helen apartment a block away at the time of the tragedy. They saw the car pass at a speed which they described in court as being in excess of 50 miles an hour. A building obstructed their view of the collision, but they heard the crash a few seconds after the car passed, they said.

State Closes.

After introducing numerous graphs of the wrecked cars and of the corner at which the accident occurred. Prosecuting Attorneys Jesseph and Colbourn, closed their case at noon.

Mrs. L. G. Taylor, driver of a school bus, and an eyewitness to the tragedy, testified that Dr. Greene's car was in the intersection and had turned to avoid the collision, before Pavelich’s car entered the intersection. Mrs. Taylor was half a block south of the accident.

Mrs. E. J. Morrin was sitting in her apartment, half a block west of the tragedy, and saw Pavelich’s car pass and as she looked out the window saw the cars crash, she testified.

Attorneys representing Pavelich opened the defense this afternoon.