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November 16, 1926 Tacoma News Tribune Page 1:



All But $1,000 of $20,000 Loot Recovered; One Robber Escapes

REARDAN, Wash, Nov. 16.—(AP)— With two men in jail and all but $1,000 of a loot of $20,000 recovered, blinding snow and darkness late last night cut short efforts of officers to capture a third member of a trio which robbed the Farmers State Bank of Reardan yesterday.

Sheriff E. J. Gilpatrick announced that James Kelly and Bob Williams, held in jail here, had confessed robbing the bank after planning the holdup in Spokane Sunday night.

They said they entered the bank through a skylight. Three employees and a customer were held up and forced into a back room, the cashier, E. G. Aherns, being forced to open the vault.

The men said they planned to steal a car and escape to Spokane, but could find none. They were captured in a field near the town. Officers resumed search for the third robber this morning and expected to arrest him.