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March 16, 1927 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 3:



"The Belle of Barcelona" Is Presented—Infant Taken by Death.

REARDAN, Wash., March 16.—(Special.)—The boys’ and girls’ glee clubs of the Reardan school presented the operetta, “The Belle of Barcelona,” to one of the largest crowds that ever assembled here at a function of like character. Fifty students took part. The roles were well interpreted.

The degree team of the Reardan Odd Fellows and other members visited the Edwall lodge last night and gave third degree work.

County Assessor ©, V, Fisher is there from Davenport assessing the business houses.

Sunday night and Monday forenoon the heaviest snowfall of the year, about six inches on the level, visited this section, drifting on the roads and hampering traffie. Trains and stages ran on schedule time, however. Tuesday dawned clear and cool.

Sunday morning Lawrence Irwin Campbell, infant son of Mrs. Bert Campbell, succumbed to pneumonia. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Hard undertaking chapel, conducted by Rev. H. A. Brown, pastor of the Reardan Presbyterian church.