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September 02, 1927 Spokesman-Review Page 1:



Most Booze Suspects Old Offenders, Say Officers.


Twelve of Number May Face Jointist Charges in Superior Court.

  • Solo bar, N224 Washington.
  • National bar, N226 Stevens.
  • Beaver bar, N219 Stevens.
  • Wallace bar, W513 1/2 Trent.
  • Standard bar, N230 Washington.
  • Parlor at W5 Riverside.

Six soft drink parlors were raided, 15 men arrested and jailed and evidence of liquor sales procured, according to the police, when Detectives Burnett and Hoffman, under orders of Chief of Polica McDonnell, rounded up alleged whisky dealers last evening,

The raids followed a week's work by Officers Pymm and Ralstin, new members of the department, and with the assistance of Detectives Nordean, Sexsmith and Scotten the police took the soft drink men unawares, it was said.

Charge All Sold Booze.

Sales of liquor by the glass and bottle in all the bars raided are charged by the police, Those arrested are:

Frank Vukich, 42; Pete Dosan, 43, at the Solo bar, charged with liquor in possession with intent to sell; bonds $750 each.

George Lewis, 26, drunkenness; Roy Rudin, 36, interfering with an officer; John Pavelich, 32, liquor in possession with intent to sell, all at the Standard bar. Bond of Pavelich set at $750.

William Mason, 40; Mike Konich, 28, liquor in possession with intent to sell, at Standard bar. Bonds $750 each.

Ray Dalton, 42, liquor in possession with intent to sell, at National bar, Bond set at $700.

Elzear Letourneau, 39; Jack O’Brien, 35, liquor in possession with intent to sell, at Beaver bar. Bonds at $750.

James Larue, 37, Vagrancy, at Beaver bar, Bond $100,

Pete Badzek, 32; William Pallo, 41, liquor in possession with intent to sell, at Wallace bar. Bonds at $750 each.

Fred Snyder, 53; James Ward, 50, liquor in possession with intent to sell, at W5 Riverside. Bonds $750 each.

Twelve Under $750 Bonds.

The charges against the 12 men whose bonds were set at $750 by Justice Stocker probably will be changed to jointist informations in superior court, Detective Burnett said, In nearly every case the prisoners have been arrested before, some convicted, Burnett said.

Pavelich is the man previously In trouble over liquor and who figured in the manslaughter case when Dr. Greene was killed In an automobile smash.

Rudin, arrested at the Standard bar, tried to dump the seized liquor, the police said, He is charged with interfering.

Dalton had to be roughly handled by the police because he attempted to recover marked money at the National bar, the officers stated.

Larue, who was found in a drunken condition at the Beaver bar, according to the arresting officer, tried to “tip off” the bartender when the police arrived, He said he was a switchman, but was booked as a vagrant.

Mason and Rudin obtained bail last night, while other prisoners said they would raise bond today.