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February 16, 1928 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 3:



Reardan Arranges Meeting for Feb. 21—Govan Man Will Be Speaker.

REARDAN, Wash., Feb. 16.—(Special.)—On Tuesday afternoon, February 21, a meeting will be held in the smoking room of Odd Fellows’ hall, to lay plans for organizing 4-H clubs in this section of Lincoln county. Fred Stirn and Albert Reiha, prominent farmers of the Waukon district, have been working for club organization for some time, and the movement will be sponsored by the Reardan Business Men's club. Mr. Elliott of Govan will address the meeting Tuesday.

John Raymer & Co., hardware merchants, are replacing a large part of their old-time store fixtures with up to date equipment.

Rev. H. A. Brown, for two years pastor of the local Presbyterian church, is packing his household goods preparatory to moving to Spokane, where he becomes pastor of the North Monroe Presbyterian church.