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April 20, 1928 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 3:



Trades Davenport Land for Sprague Acreage—Fight Rate Increase.

DAVENPORT, Wash., April 20.—(Special.)—J. W. Fry, pioneer farmer and for 20 years president of the Lincoln County State bank, has closed a deal trading his 1760-acre ranch southeast of Davenport to John G. Peyton of Sprague for 1140 acres of land north of Sprague.

Each will take possession soon as the transfers can be made. Mr. Fry has been connected with the development of the Davenport country since the '80s, homesteading and acquiring large land holdings. He is recognized as one of the best farmers of the community and is still active in looking after his interests despite his more than 90 years. He is proud of the fact that he cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln for president.

Will Raise Funds.

The banks of Lincoln county will raise $1500 as Lincoln county's portion of a fund to resist the increase in freight rates, at the hearing to be held the latter part of May at which the railroads will ask for an increase in rates. The matter was presented to the Davenport Commercial club at its regular meeting Wednesday by Charles McKenzie, J. Carl Laney and P. M. Price of Colfax, Almer McCurtain of Davenport and Holger Jurgensen of Wilbur were present, representing the Farmers’ union, and F. W. Moe, Davenport; John McPherson, Wilbur; and C. E. Funkhouser, Creston. represented the banks. The banks have underwritten the amount necessary.