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March 06, 1930 Reardan Gazette Page 0:

Reardan Gazette, Reardan, Lincoln County, Washington, Thursday, March 6, 1930

New Grade School Which Was Assured by Saturday's Bond Election

The above picture gives a pretty fair idea of the external appearance of the grade school building to be built on the site of the present one soon as the latter can be torn down following the close of school this summer.

The new building will provide ample space for the requirements of the grade school for many years in the future and is arranged so that the present system may be changed to the Junior High plan at any time it may be warranted. By moving the home economics departments from their present quarters in the high school building to this provides additional much need space for the requirements of the high school.

The building also contains a large gymnasium with its attendant showers and dressing rooms and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 400 people--ample for the needs of the community. G. A. Pehrson, prominent Spokane architect is the architect.