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July 31, 1930 Reardan Gazette Page 0:

Reardan, Lincoln Coun

frith Ranch ” ) Buildings Destroyed | Fire of Undetermined Orie-|

in Wipes Out Barn, House and Outbuildings Saturday. | Ceremonies—Class of 14

| Fire of undetermined origin | A large crowd witnessed the |

|} wiped out all the farm buildings, | confirmation of an unusually large i}

| house, barn and outbuildings on| and well- instructed class of cand-|

| the J. H. Griffith ranch on Indian, idates at St. Michael’s Catholic !

Prairie a few miles north of Deep! church Sunday:

Creek Saturday. 1 ‘Those conducting the ceremonies | The fire, which was discovered | were the bishop of the Spokane |


| Cathoties Have t Sunday

“Charles Dw er:.:”:”C—OCS Spokane Diocese ‘Conducted

d, for the resbyterian F the Well- g with his forth Fork, ill assume

efforts of the ranchers and spr ead- | ing from the barn to the other |


who [|

| Rev. Fr. Pipers, of SE Ann.

ruins in a very short

space of | Rev. Er. Condon. time.

Following the confirmation of |

ndian Mis- s work and The loss, partly covered by in-| the class, which was held at three a ot surance, is estimated to run well|p-m. the priests and the confir-| t. There he | °°" $5000.00 Very little of the| ‘mation class were entertained at | “ ecrath contents of the barn were destroy-; the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S:

ed, no live stock being lost. The | Z,eimantz by the ladies of the Altar
not going Griffiths had just started ‘storing | Society. | |

will visit their hay and fortunately only a- | arts when bout four loads had been put into| v7 ~ alien ot the barn. Practically all of he)

household goods were saved. ak



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After Short a. Mrs. Solverson Dies ot Apoplexy--Body Taken East | Stricken suddenly last Thursday | afternoon by apoplexy Mrs. Stephen HH Solverson passed away Monday, per hs at 12:10 o’clock p. m. home in Reardan.

in the barn about noon, defied the; diocese, Rt. Rev. Charles D. White | | Rev. Fr. Callanan of St. Josephs, |

buildings, reduced all to: smoking | at one time was located here, and |i


Mrs. Joe Bland Mother and C Wreck Ne { Last Saturday touring car wa '}Sunset highway! west of Reardani one of the occur badly that she di sciousness. She that evening at t The occupant Mrs. Joe Blandd@ baby and little 2 Marie and Mrs Mrs. Anna Hai at W. 25 Rive kane. They we Wenatchee whe Thursday to take father Joe Bla who had secure chee. When thy spot the car sk | gravel overturné little Marie wa ear. ler skull jeight ribs wer zlé yo*KL ai- Bi: brs

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