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January 19, 1933 Spokesman-Review Page 3:



Louise Schulz Sues Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagner as Crash Result.

DAVENPORT, Wash., Jan. 17.—|,

Louise Schulz, a minor, by her guardian ad litem, George A, Schulz, Reardan, today filed suit in superior court here against Mr, and Mrs, Richard Wagner, Reardan, for $7025 for injuries alleged suffered by Miss Schulz August 23, last.

It is charged that a car driven by the girl's sister, Ruth, ran into the rear of a truck owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, three miles east of Reardan on the Sunset highway. It is alleged the driver of the truck brought it to a stop without giving notice and that the Schulz car could not avoid running into it.

An inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Grandville Kelso, Mondovi farmer, show the estate to consist of property valued at $2281. The estate was appraised by A. B. Heath, M. D. Nye and Albert L. Neilsen.