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May 31, 1936 Spokesman-Review Page 27:


Elise Aldrich to be Married


Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Aldrich, E356 Thirty-seventh, announce the engagement and approaching wedding of their daughter, Elise, to Dr. A. A. Towner, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Towner of Wichita, Kan, Miss Aldrich, a graduate of Reardan high school, has just completed her fifth semester at Whitworth college, where she has been active in the musical and dramatic groups. She is prominent throughout the Inland Empire for her solo and two-piano work. Dr. Towner, who has been a resident physician at the Deaconess hospital for the last year, received his B. A. degree from the Municipal University of Wichita, and graduated from the Kansas university school of medicine. He is a member of Phi Upsilon Sigma, social fraternity, and Phi Beta Pi national medical fraternity, The wedding will take place early this summer. (Portrait by Christian.)