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June 17, 1936 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 34:



Miss Elise Aldrich became the bride of Dr. A. A. Towner Tuesday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Aldrich, E356 Seventeenth. The Rev. A. R. M. Kettner of Reardan officiated.

The bride wore a beautiful eggshell net dress with a long train and her veil was caught with orange blossoms. She carried pink rosebuds, white sweet peas and swansonia. Miss Miriam Burns of Reardan, maid of honor, wore a blue lace dress and carried pink roses, sweet peas and blue delphinium. Dr. E. Rex Speelmon was Dr. Towner’s best man. Mrs. Aldrich gave his daughter in marriage.

Wedding Music.

Pre-nuptial music included a piano solo by Miss Trula Polwarth and a vocal solo by Miss Anne Kamm. The bride's brother, Lynn Aldrich, played the wedding march.

An informal reception followed at which Mrs. M. A. Peacock, aunt of the bride, poured and the Misses Joan Schrap, Allison Clark, Joy Pinrow and Geraldine Hawley assisted. Thirty-four relatives and intimate friends attended the wedding and reception.

Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Peacock of Yakima and Mrs. A. R. M. Kettner, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Burns and Miss Ruth Magnuson of Rea dan.

The young couple left for Colorado, where they will spend a two-week honeymoon, after which they will return to Spokane.