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February 13, 1938 Spokesman-Review Page 72:


Eleven of Inland Empire Family Pile Up 813 Years

Not so long ago, a national weekly featured a group picture of a family in Altheim, Germany, noted for its longevity, There were four sisters and three brothers, the oldest 87 and the youngest 65. The combined ages of the seven is 527 years, an average of slightly better than 75 years.

Heil, Hitler! But the Inland Empire has a family that can put the German group far in the rear.

There are 11 in the Inland Empire family with combined ages of 813 years, an average of about 74 years, slightly below the German family in average age, but far above it in total years. Seven of the 11 live in and around Spokane. The oldest is 86 and the youngest 63.

They are the family of Mr. and Mrs. James Boardman Robinson, pioneers of the Big Bend, now deceased, who settled near Waukon in 1883. The information about this unusual family is furnished The Spokesman-Review by one of the third generation, E. J. Plaster, the son of one of the family and the nephew of the others. He resides near Waukon.

Fortunately for the record, Mr. Plaster's grandfather, William W. Harding, a resident of Philadelphia, kept a family Bible. It dates back to 1873 and is in the possession of Mr. Plaster.

Family Bibles may be out of the picture today, but the pioneers used them not only for spiritual sustenance, inspiration and comfort, but to record the dates of births, deaths and marriages in the family circle. As such, they are invaluable. The courts often accept the family Bible record as authentic and legal in fixing dales of birth, parentage and other human relationships.

From his grandfather's Bible Mr. Plaster has copied the following information about the Robinson family, adding a few notes of his on to bring the record down to date:

James Boardman Robinson, son of David Robinson and Mary, his wife; born January 1, 1828.

Sarah Ferguson, daughter of Robert and Frances Ferguson; born February 19, 1831, James Boardman Robinson and Sarah Ferguson were married on Tuesday, September 10, 1850, by the Rev. P. M. McGowan of the Methodist Episcopal church, Addison. Somerset county, Pa.

They moved to Iowa before the Civil war. James Boardman Robinson served with company K, Iowa regiment, during the Civil war and lived in Iowa until 1883, when they moved to Washington, settling near Waukon. Mrs. Robinson died April 24, 1895, age 64, and is buried at Reardan. James Boardman Robinson died October 18, 1916, age 88, and is also buried at Reardan.

There you have the brief record of the first generation in the west of the Robinson family. They had 12 children, 11 of whom are still living and make up the record which is presented herewith:

Jess Robinson, son, was born September 13, 1851; lived in Iowa all his life; was 86 on September 13, 1937; lives at Griswold, Iowa.

Robert F. Robinson, son, was born November 4, 1853; lived In Iowa until about 10 years ago, when he came to Washington and is now living in Spokane at the home of Thomas Farmer, Crestline and Wellesley.

Mary Robinson, daughter, was born March 23, 1856; died at Cheney, Wash., June 10, 1902; 46; buried at Reardan,

Charles F. Robinson, son, was born April 12, 1838; 79; now lives on the Davenport mail route, near Edwall.

David C. Robinson, son, was born March 6, 1860; 77; now lives In Los Angeles.

Sarah Jane Robinson, daughter, was born November 20, 1861; 76; now Mrs. J. W. Sunderland, living on the Sunset highway; Medical Lake postoffice.

James B. Robinson, son, was horn March 26, 1863; 74; lives near Waukon; Edwall post office.

Emma Robinson, daughter, has born October 3, 1863; 72; now Mrs. Emma Kennedy, Edwall.

Luella Robinson, daughter, was born May 29, 1867; 70; now Mrs. Luella Plaster, Reardan.

Clara Bell Robinson, daughter, was born January 22, 1871; 67; now Mrs. Otto Giesselman, Milk River, Alta., Canada.

Nellie Addle Robinson, daughter, was born November 5, 1872; 65; now Mrs. Nellie Pecoy, Emmett, Idaho. She was born the day General U. S. Grant was elected president for the second time.

Frances Alice Robinson, daughter, was born September 10, 1874; now Mrs. Frances Fahey, S732 Laura, Spokane. She operates a daytime bake shop at W831 Garland.