November 10, 1948 Spokesman-Review Page 10:
REARDAN, Wash., Nov. 9.—At a special town council meeting last night bids on the $15,000 general obligation bond and the $15,000 water revenue bond were opened. On the general obligation bond Washington state with a bid of 2% per cent annual interest was the low bidder. On the water revenue bond the Pacific Northwestern company of Spokane with a bid of 3-1/2 per cent annual interest, was low bidder. Both these bids were accepted by the council.
Part of this money will go to finance a $25,000 program to install a steel water reservoir in the southwest part of town to replace the present concrete reservoir.
The council is also issuing a call for bids for the laying of 12,367 feet of steel water mains. These bids will be opened November 30.