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June 06, 1950 Spokesman-Review Page 16:



REARDAN,. Wash, June 5.—Saturday at the school, election for the special 10-mill levy to raise funds to supplement the existing school building fund passed.

There were 257 votes cast, 173 for and 84 against. The election was held in conjunction with Community day.


Over 1000 Attend Annual Celebration and Parade

REARDAN, Wash., June 5.—The sixth annual Reardan Community day brought more than 1000 people from surrounding towns and farms yesterday.

A parade at 10 a. m. began the day's celebration, The American Legion color guard and veterans headed the parade followed by bands, floats, costumed children, riders and seven cars, each carrying a couple who had passed their golden wedding anniversary.

The golden wedding couples were Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Glotfelty, Mr. and Mrs, William F, Hanning, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ahlif, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Barnard, Mr, and Mrs. Jeff Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Springer, Edwall,

Queen Is Crowned

Following the welcoming address by Mayor B. L. Barnard, Queen Janet Clinton was crowned by the mayor and her princesses introduced. They were Kay Childs, wall; Beverly Davis; Mary Bergeron and Marie Carstens,

The Rev. Edward Wagner of Cheney, former Lutheran pastor here, gave the dedicatory address for the Reardan Memorial clinic. The new clinic is a living memorial to the veterans who served in World war II.

In tribute to those who gave their lives, Glen Oehlschlaeger, commander of the American Legion, presented William J. Colville, member of the Memorial Clinic association board, a plaque with their names, to be placed in the clinic.

The names on the plaque are Joe E. Mann, Gus A. Magnuson, Roger Mahrt, Marvin Zwainz, Jack Zeimantz, Kenneth Tyler, Arthur Seeger, Fred Wollenberg and Louis Suppinger.

Parade Winners

Prizes. and floats in class A were: First West. Deep Creek Grange; second, Spring Creek Grange; third, Reardan Homemakers.

Class B: First, Reardan Pots and Pans 4-H club; second, Reardan Livestock 4-H club third, Spring Hill Juvenile.

Class C: First, Colville garage, and second, Ranch House cafe.

Bands; First, Reardan school; second, Edwall school; third, Reardan Harmonians

Jitneys: First, Walter Wendlandt; second, Jutton from Edwall.

Horses and riders; Women's, first, Mrs. Roscoe McClure; second, Mrs. Howard Tilson, Hartline; third, Evelyn Watson, Wilbur. Men, first, Howard Tilson; second, Frank Stubbs, Davenport; third, Roscoe McClure

Best matched pair: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tilson.

Horses and riders coming longest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nelson of Hartline.

Junior Girl Riders

Horses, junior division girls: First, Claudia Tilson; second, Shirley Gaulke; third, Clarice Gaulke. Boys: First, Robert Nelson; second Kent Cremen; third, Donald Tilson.

Ponies First, Marjorie Watson, Wilbur, second, Dixie Reed; third, Deann Reed.

Youngest rider: Dianne Tilson.

Stallions: First, Mrs. Mel Jones, Sprague; second, Vern Puls.

Children’s pets, girls: First, Pat Hutton, Edwall; second, Donna Shaw. Boys: First, Nick Hein second, Steve Garber; third, Bernard Reinhold.

Children’s vehicles; Girls, first, Sylvia Walthers; second, Joann Johnson; third, Janet Stevenson, Boys; First, Johnny and David Backer, second, Jimmy Hendricks; third, Kim Feil.

Children’s novelty: First, Williams group; second, Holznagels; third, Judy McKim.

Children’s costumes, girls; First, Heather McKay, second, Sharon Weyen; third, Dora Owens. Boys: First, Pete Bisson; second, Bill Mahrt; third, Robert Crane.

Ball Game Played

A carnival and ball game, Reardan vs. Edwall, a Big Bend league game, were afternoon attractions. Reardan lost.

The dance at Legion hall in the evening concluded the day's festivities. A steer, given away, went to Dr. J. J. Driscoll, who had it auctioned. Lloyd Flood was high bidder at $300. He, too, had it auctioned and William J. Colville bought it for $255.

Proceeds from the celebration will be used to defray indebtedness on the memorial clinic, George L. Zwainz was master of ceremonies.