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April 30, 1951 Spokesman-Review Page 12:



REARDAN, Wash. April 29.—The community day general committee met with representatives of various groups to push plans for community day, June 2.

This year for the first time there will be children’s races for all ages with cash prizes. Walter Johnson, vocational agriculture instructor and basketball coach will be in charge. It was voted to have a “Pioneer's Corner” with comfortable chairs for the elderly citizens.

The Reardan home and Garden club will make the arrangements. for the queen and her princesses.

Granges to Help

West Deep Creek Grange will supervise the noon lunch, Spring Creek Grange will have the hamburger stand; Mondovi grange, ice cream and pop; Waukon Grange, cat game booth.

The American Legion will be in. charge of games and the auxiliary will oversee the evening dance. The Lions club will operate the rides. The high school boys will be at the bottle game stand.

Starlight chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will again operate the country store, There will be three departments, home baked foods, sewing and home-made articles and the variety counter including the dairy products.

Vernon Carstens said there would be a softball game instead of the baseball game in previous years. The local team will play a team from Davenport.

The next meeting will be May! 17 at 8 p. m, at the schoolhouse.