August 21, 1951 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 21:
REARDAN, Wash., Aug. 21,.—Superintendent Lewis W. McKay announced that September 4 is opening date for the Reardan schools. In a general session at 2 p.m.; September 1, teachers will meet with their principals. High school students will register on August 30 and 31 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Included on the high school faulty are: Glen Wisdom, principal; Elizabeth Raymer, commercial and library; Walter Johnson, vocational agriculture and basketball coach; Leigh Steele, social science and football and baseball coach; Bernadine Cash, vocational home economies and girls’ physical education; Robert Ross, English and driver training; Roscoe Strauss, science and mathematics; Harold Wood, high school and elementary vocal, instrumental music and elementary public school music.
Elementary teachers are: G. W. Bannon, principal and eighth grade; Wesley Stewart, seventh rade; Russell Lindquist, sixth grade; Esther Hahn, fifth grade; Mrs. Kate Tremer, fourth grade; Mrs. Rose Koehler, third grade; Mrs. Willa Wood, second grade; Mrs. Patty Ross, first grade. Vernon Carstens is the veterans’ on-the-farm training teacher,
Hinkle in Charge
Walter Hinkle, the head custodian, is assisted by Jacob Walther. In charge of the hot lunch program are Mrs. Olivine Owens and Mrs. Esther Henry.
Burdette Lightle, bus mechanic and head driver, will drive the Crescent route, Other drivers are Henry Koberstine, Four Mounds; Harold Rogers, Indian Prairie route; J. P. Owens, Deep Creek route: Jacob Walthers, Espanola route; Leonard King, Waukon route: Charles Lightle, Gravelle route; the Rev, Allen Backer, Long Lake route; Rudolph Nielsen, Windy Hill route. The Bald Ridge route driver has not yet been named. Two new busses have been ordered to replace two which are outmoded.
Hot lunches will be served for the first time September 5.